Swimming is an important life skill as well as a great exercise and challenging sport. We offer swim lessons for all ages (youth & adult swim lessons), open swim, lap swim, aquatics aerobic classes, competitive swimming (swim teams), diving programs, as well as adaptive swim programs for adaptive service participants. We want everyone to learn to be safe in and around the water while having fun!
We are serious about ensuring the safety and well-being of every child who enters our facilities. For adults who will be using the facility with young children, please click here for information about our pool rules and swim test policy.
Aquatics FAQs
Q: Are there any times for young people to lap swim?
A: Yes there are. Youth can swim laps during any open lap swim.
Q: At what age can babies be introduced to swimming?
A: The Y of the USA and the American Academy of Pediatrics both recommend that infants avoid public swimming pools until they are six months old or have achieved head control, which ever comes later. We follow these recommendations. We have an organized program for infants and toddlers and they are welcome to attend swims with their families.
Q: Are water fitness classes included in my membership?
A: We have water exercise classes that are free to members. Classes that are FREE to members include Splash & Dash, Aqua Ex , and Aqua Circuit. There are also Specialty classes that have a fee.
Q: Which locker room should I use when I bring my child to swim?
A: We have three sets of locker rooms. The Family locker rooms are specifically for parents and small children or anyone who needs help changing. The Youth locker rooms are for children and young adults through age eighteen. The Adult locker rooms are reserved for adults only. When the Family locker rooms are busy, please change with your child in the appropriate Youth locker room.
Q: My child isn’t potty trained; may we still come swimming?
A: Yes, but your child has to be dressed accordingly. We require children to wear swim diapers worn under swim suits with elastic leg openings. Small children, who are trained, should be taken to the bathroom before swimming and asked several times during swimming if they need a bathroom break.
Q: What are the reasons for having people shower before they swim and keeping their hair up in a swim cap?
A: Showering washes off normal body oils and grooming products before they get in the pool water, this allows us to use fewer chemicals in the water. Restraining hair keeps it out of the filtration system and will extend the life of the filters.
Q: I learned to swim as a child, but not very well, do you have a class for me?
A: Yes of course, we do. Try working one on one to learn to swim or improve your strokes or fitness.
Our Adult Swim lessons are individualized to meet the goals and needs of the participant. Certified and experienced instructors are ready to help swimmers at any level of ability, whether it be increasing comfort in the water or stroke tips for advanced adult fitness swimmers. Participation begins with an initial assessment. Classes are 30 minutes long and are scheduled as time permits throughout the day and evening.
Q: Why do you close the pool if someone has an accident in it?
A: It is a state regulation and the Centers for Disease Control recommend it. The good news is, with two pools we rarely have to cancel programming, only move it to the other pool.