Our Guidelines
Updates Effective Wednesday, February 23
All Persons entering the Bath YMCA and Landing YMCA are recommended to wear Face Coverings. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention continues to recommend wearing a mask indoors in public if you are in an area of substantial or high transmission, even if you are up to date on your COVID-19 vaccination.
Masks are required to be worn in the fitness room each day from 1-2 p.m.
Updates Effective Thursday, February 17
All Persons entering the Bath YMCA are recommended to wear Face Coverings. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention continues to recommend wearing a mask indoors in public if you are in an area of substantial or high transmission, even if you are up to date on your COVID-19 vaccination.
Masks are required to be worn in the fitness room each day from 1-2 p.m.
Updates Effective Monday, January 24
By the order of Bath City Council, all Persons entering the Bath YMCA are required to wear Face Coverings. This mandate is effective January 24, 2022.
This includes all physical activity except showering and while in the pool.
Updates Effective Wednesday, January 12
With the recent surge in COVID cases, we are constantly reviewing our policies. The Y has followed and will continue to follow all CDC COVID recommendations and guidelines.
Beginning January 12th, the Bath Y will offer mask-mandated hours in which all people in our facilities will wear masks, except when swimming or showering. Currently those times are Monday-Friday from 1:00-3:00 PM. On the weekends, masks must be worn in the fitness rooms from 1:00-3:00 p.m. Signs will be posted throughout our buildings and are subject to change.
Also beginning January 12th, at the Landing Y masks are mandatory in all areas and programs. This includes during classes, in the Gymnasium, Strength Center, Lobby and Locker Rooms (except when showering). This is in accordance with the Town of Brunswick’s mandate.
Our current additional rules and guidance for the Bath YMCA and Landing YMCA are as follows (reviewed weekly):
- Any member, visitor or staff member who feels sick with any COVID related symptoms or who tests positive for the virus will be asked to stay home.
- We ask that you wash your hands often and/or utilize our hand sanitizer pumps provided throughout the Y.
- If utilizing the Fitness Center, we ask that you disinfect equipment before and after use. The Y continues to deep clean the facility on a daily basis.
- All staff wear masks except when in their offices or when eating.
- We ask you to join us in the practice of mask wearing. We will be emphasizing this with new signs throughout our Y.
- During non-mandatory all mask times, we ask that you still wear a mask to your area of use. This includes lobby, bathrooms, locker rooms, etc.
- The Y will make every effort to provide masks should you forget to bring one. Please inquire at our Welcome Center.
- All children in childcare programs wear masks and receive assistance from staff to keep them properly fitted.
- Spectators at youth sporting events will be limited. In addition, spectators and athletes of youth sports in Y programs will be required to wear masks as well.
- Teen Time at the Y will be a mandatory mask program even when in the gym.
- Above all, the Membership Code of Conduct must be followed. Our staff work hard to keep our members safe and healthy. We have a zero-tolerance policy for mistreatment of staff.
Please respect and care for each other as we try our best to ensure the Y is a safe and healthy place for all individuals in our community.
Updates Effective Thursday, December 9
Due to the rising number of COVID-19 cases in our area and the number of unvaccinated youth and vulnerable populations the Y serves, we are strongly recommending masks in all common areas of the Y - including the lobby, hallways, gymnasium & locker rooms.
This applies to all individuals, regardless of vaccination status.
For one hour each day - from 1-2 p.m. - masks will be required in the fitness rooms.
Updates Effective Thursday, December 9
Due to the rising number of COVID-19 cases in our area and the number of unvaccinated youth and vulnerable populations the Y serves, we are strongly recommending masks in all common areas of the Y - including the lobby, hallways, gymnasium & locker rooms.
This applies to all individuals, regardless of vaccination status.
For one hour each day - from 1-2 p.m. - masks will be required in the fitness rooms.
Updates Effective Wednesday, September 8
The Maine CDC recommends that all people regardless of vaccination status wear face coverings in indoor, public settings in areas with "substantial" or "high" levels of community transmission.
Please be socially responsible and give everyone the space they need to feel safe at the Y!
Updates Effective Monday, August 16
- Masks are recommended for both vaccinated and non-vaccinated individuals
- Practice frequent handwashing and use of hand sanitizer
- Personally wipe down all equipment after you use it
- Maintain distance from others as best you can
- Stay home if you have any cold or flu-like symptoms
Updates Effective Thursday, August 5
The level of community transmission for COVID-19 in Cumberland County, where the Landing YMCA is located, has risen to “substantial” per the CDC. The CDC is now recommending that ALL individuals wear masks in public indoor settings.
At this time, recommendations for visiting the Landing Y are as follows:
- Masks are recommended for both vaccinated and non-vaccinated individuals
- Practice frequent handwashing and use of hand sanitizer
- Personally wipe down all equipment after you use it
- Maintain distance from others as best you can
- Stay home if you have any cold or flu-like symptoms
Updates Effective Tuesday, June 1
Starting Tuesday, June 1, you will no longer need a reservation to use the Main Pool or Instructional Therapy Pool. Be sure to check out our new pool schedules at bathymca.org/schedules.
At this time, we still require you to use our online reservation system to use the Hot Tub and Racquetball Courts.
Updates Effective Monday, May 24
Dear Valued Members and Program Participants,
As you are aware, since reopening our facilities in June 2020, we have followed both CDC and State of Maine guidelines related to COVID-19 safety protocols. We have done so through the lens of our values: HONESTY, CARING, RESPECT, RESPONSIBILITY and we are grateful to everyone for your continued support.
On May 24, the State of Maine has decided to adopt the U.S. CDC’s new Covid-19 guidance, read the full article here.
In accordance with this announcement, beginning Monday May 24, members, program participants and staff of the Bath Area Family YMCA and Landing YMCA who are fully vaccinated may utilize our facilities and participate in programs without a face mask.
Fully vaccinated is defined as:
• 2 weeks after the second dose in a 2-dose series, such as the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines, or
• 2 weeks after a single-dose vaccine, such as Johnson & Johnson's Janssen vaccine
We are recommending visitors continue wearing a mask when inside a YMCA facility if they have not been fully vaccinated. We are counting on the HONESTY of our Y community to follow this guidance based on their vaccination status.
The new guidance on masks is directed to the public, not to child care or school settings, where groups of unrelated children and adults are together. We recognize our RESPONSIBILITY to this group, therefore based on recommendations received from the Early Resource Learning Center of the Office of Child Development and Early Learning, children aged two and older and adults providing care or interacting with them, including those who are fully vaccinated, will wear masks indoors while in any child care setting. This will include parents and guardians who are picking up and dropping off children.
In honoring our Y core values and respecting your fellow Y members, please remember individuals may continue to wear a mask because they are mid-vaccine or as an extra precaution. If you have any questions regarding the mask order while accessing our facilities, please see a member of staff.
We will continue to maintain social distancing around our equipment and group exercise spaces and apply enhanced cleaning practices.
The safety of our members, program participants and staff remains our top priority. We will continue to uphold COVID-19 safety guidelines from the CDC. We appreciate your CARE and RESPECT for your fellow Y community members as we continue to work together to maintain the safest environment possible.
In addition, the following will also be effective Monday, May 24:
• Reciprocity and Nationwide memberships are now accepted.
• Reservations are no longer required to sign up for group exercise and mindfulness classes.
• At this time, please continue to use our online reservation system for the following programs and activities and must be made within 26 hours of the appointed time:
> Main Pool
> Instructional Therapy Pool
> Hot Tub