Parents get the night off, and kids enjoy an evening of FUN at the Y!
During Kids Night Out, children in grades K-5 can get dropped off at the Y for an evening full of fun—giving parents a much-needed night off! Our February event will take place at the Landing YMCA in Brunswick, where we’ll have pizza, crafts, and lots of fun and games in our gym—including a bounce house!
Saturday, February 10 at 4-8 p.m.
Landing YMCA in Brunswick
Grades K-5
$30 per child for Members · $20 for additional siblings
$45 per child for Community · $20 for additional siblings
Large family discounts available.*
*Financial aid is available for Kids Night Out, and for all Y programs!
Pre-registration is required and due by by Thursday, February 8th.
Download a registration form above and email a scanned copy to kayla@bathymca.org or drop off at the Welcome Center front desk. Forms MUST be filled out in full to reserve registration spot. Each sibling needs a full packet to be filled out. A waitlist may be put in place if enrollment reaches capacity.
Additional Information:
- Registration closes on Thursday, February 8th. Registrations received after this time will not be accepted.
- Payment is expected by the Friday before the event—Friday, February 9th.
- If you are a current before and after school participant you do not need to fill out the registration forms.
- Photos of forms will not be accepted. Forms can be scanned, emailed, or dropped off.