Home – Bath Area Family YMCA

What's Happening at the Y

“The Changing Face of Maine” – Free Speaker Series Lecture with Reza Jalali on October 18

Reza Jalali is an author, educator, and immigrant advocate, who serves as Executive Director of the Greater Portland Immigrant Welcome Center.  He is profiled in Making it in America: a Sourcebook […]

New Fitness Equipment Installation, Closure & Reopening Dates – Beginning Monday, October 2

We are thrilled to announce the installation, closing and reopening dates for our brand new fitness equipment at the Bath YMCA and Landing YMCA! The updated schedule image is above.

New Blood Pressure Self-Monitoring Program Begins October 18
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Did you know that the simple process of checking and recording your blood pressure at least twice a month over a period of four months has been shown to lower […]